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 on: January 28, 2010, 07:09:19 AM 
Started by Pillsbury - Last post by Pillsbury
Thanks for the info about the hotel/tournament site.  I am planning to go, but will probably make it a trip with my wife and stay in or nearer to downtown.  That way, I can go off to play (chess) and she can stay in town to play.  We will see as May gets closer.

 on: January 25, 2010, 11:53:58 PM 
Started by Capablanca - Last post by Capablanca
Got the book via Barnes & Noble (hard cover for $44) and I've been going through it for the past week. The book is a mixture of bio and annotated games. Not great as a pure annotated game collection, not great as a bio. Nevertheless, it achieves a good enough mixture of both to give a good picture of Marshall's play. That guy could be just plain nuts in the opening and had some wacky (sometimes purely disturbing) ideas, but all he wanted to do was get to the middlegame and go crazy or go for swaps and beat players at endgames.

In terms of openings, he used the Staunton Gambit against the Dutch and I'm wondering if I can play that in tournament play. I guess I can get away with it for a while in class tournaments, but I'll have to look at the theory in more detail. I'm wondering also about his beloved "Franco-Sicilian". I guess I'll have to hit some opening theory and look more into this. As we know, his attack on the Ruy Lopez as Black is sound although his Marshall Defense against the Queen's Gambit was refuted a long time ago. Once I blundered with the move order (paying more attention to the moves I was recording than to the moves made) and after 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 d5?? ended up on the Black side of the Marshall Defense. I never got even started in that game.  Tongue

Anyway, it's a good book to get a taste of Marshall's play, but not a definitive bio like Winter's on Capablanca. The problem with going over his games is that his attacking madness can be contagious. I just played a game online and sacked two pieces for two pawns and to keep my opponent's king in the center out of my usual 1. c4! Well, he asked for it. He wanted to transpose to the Slav and then he got all greedy with that extra pawn on the queen wing. Yep, I won it with a pretty slash & burn mate. Grin

 on: January 25, 2010, 09:35:32 PM 
Started by Lasker - Last post by Capablanca
I've put together a kind of convoluted but flexible tournament schedule leading to a club championship. See attached pdf. Let me know what you think.

 on: January 25, 2010, 05:52:03 PM 
Started by Capablanca - Last post by Capablanca
Ok, guys. Lasker says he's in. Who else? I'm trying to figure out the team & number of boards. We can challenge either club first, but I would like to go for the IUCC first. We should figure out the number of boards (plus one alternate) and who will be playing in those. Are we going by USCF ratings or a voting decision? Give me some feedback, guys!!

 on: January 25, 2010, 03:59:17 PM 
Started by Murali - Last post by Capablanca
I am a newbie here and want to play chess OTB.. Please count me in for the unrated tournament.  I will be there and if anyone is interested in an easy win .. I don't disappoint.  Grin


Welcome! Hope to meet you at our Tuesday meetings.  Smiley

Thanks Capablanca,

I will meet you tomorrow!  Do I need to bring anything for tomorrow's meeting?  How long will it lost?


No need to bring anything. If you have a set & board, it would help but it's not required. Most players bring their own equipment and we generally have room for most people to join in without any equipment. Last time we ran out of clocks, but I'll try to remember to start bringing a spare one to our meetings.

We usually play from 7:00 pm until they kick us out at 10:30 or 11:00 pm, but you don't have to be there the whole time. It's not a class.  Grin Anyone is welcome to come and go as they please.

 on: January 25, 2010, 03:34:19 PM 
Started by Murali - Last post by Murali
I am a newbie here and want to play chess OTB.. Please count me in for the unrated tournament.  I will be there and if anyone is interested in an easy win .. I don't disappoint.  Grin


Welcome! Hope to meet you at our Tuesday meetings.  Smiley

Thanks Capablanca,

I will meet you tomorrow!  Do I need to bring anything for tomorrow's meeting?  How long will it lost?


 on: January 25, 2010, 02:52:42 PM 
Started by Murali - Last post by Capablanca
I am a newbie here and want to play chess OTB.. Please count me in for the unrated tournament.  I will be there and if anyone is interested in an easy win .. I don't disappoint.  Grin


Welcome! Hope to meet you at our Tuesday meetings.  Smiley

 on: January 25, 2010, 01:50:39 PM 
Started by Murali - Last post by Murali
I am a newbie here and want to play chess OTB.. Please count me in for the unrated tournament.  I will be there and if anyone is interested in an easy win .. I don't disappoint.  Grin


 on: January 25, 2010, 11:33:24 AM 
Started by Lasker - Last post by Capablanca
I'm in. I'll be giving Becks' odds as always. Cheesy

I'm expecting more people to start attending our meetings soon, so we should set it up so that other players can join in later. Maybe we can set up a Group A and a Group B that starts later. Then the two top scores from each group play in a separate tournament. Quad format maybe with more than two groups? Then the two top from each group can qualify to play in a Club Championship tournament to take place some time in the fall and crown our first BCC Champion. Tie-breakers can be used or a rapid play (10 mins per game, no delay) play off match for any tied players in the qualification tournament. Don't know. Just throwing some ideas around.

 on: January 25, 2010, 10:06:52 AM 
Started by Capablanca - Last post by Lasker
Great idea! Count me in.

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